Saturday, March 05, 2005

Not happy........UPDATED

I was supposed to have an interview with Aldi Foods for a district manager position they have available. Now, through the Career Services office here on campus, they tell me that even though they promised me an interview, they are now going to break that promise.

Makes me wonder what other promises they've broken to their employees, customers, and/or suppliers. I wrote a letter back to the Career Services people this morning. I include it below. I'll let everybody know if they send me a response.

I know this [my interview being cancelled] isn't really Career Services fault, but it does seem extremely unfair that a company would be allowed by the University to say one thing and then actually do something else, and that Career Services doesn't seem to be able to require this company to honor its commitments.

Since I am relatively new to the University, I will assume that this was simply an isolated occurence and is not a trend for companies who interview here.

I don't know if I would want to work for a company who promised students an interview and then for whatever reason decided at the last minute to not honor their promise. In all honesty, it makes me wonder what other promises they have broken in the past to their employees and/or customers.

Thanks for keeping me updated.

Here is the update. After I basically threw a fit, I did get invited to go to the dinner, which was very nice. I do have one small complaint though. Everybody else there had a name tag with their name printed on it, but I didn't, so I had to make my own. Minor detail, but it did make me feel a little left out. I even wound up with a huge can of their store brand of spaghettios. They put samples of their products on the tables, and that is what I ended up with, so life isn't all bad. I did get my interview the next day. They said they'll let me know something in a couple of weeks.

Stay tuned.

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